What Skyward Sword HD should do to fix the game’s problems (if it ever happens)

I need to write something for this site, and I just remembered I wanted to write a few things about what an HD remaster of Skyward Sword (not a remake) could do to fix the main issues the game has.


While overall she’s a great character there’s certainly one aspect that pretty much everyone can agree on:

She interrupts the game too often, and tends to spoil puzzles when she’s not telling you your batteries are low.
She’s like a really obnoxious backseat gamer on Twitch lol.

“Master! Look! You can shoot an arrow through this gap in the ceiling!”

So, fix it.

Change some scenes to not show exactly what to do (BotW was essentially a reaction to the complaints about this type of hand-holding) and just put a simple icon (if anything) to show battery life. Basically, keep the hand-holding and hints as a completely optional thing, not built into the cutscenes when you walk into a room or area.


Just replace this entire section of the game with something fun, problem solved.

But really, much like the Water Temple in OoT 3D and the Triforce hunt in WW HD, they should tweak this section to make it less of an annoyance.


This is bit more complicated, while the Joy-Cons should be able to replicate the original’s control scheme when detached from the system, the main problem comes when playing the game in portable mode or with a pro controller.  Nintendo would have to rework the controls quite a bit, but it should be doable.  And in some cases it would make the game easier to play *cough*swimming*cough*.

The enemy AI is often built around having to swing your sword in the right direction to get past their defenses, that could still be done with standard controls or they could act differently when playing with different control schemes (probably not likely but I dunno *shrug*.)


There are a few minor (and easily fixable) things that could be changed in an HD remaster of the game.

In the original, every time you start the game and load a save, it resets the item pickup messages so they all show up again. This is thankfully not the case in Breath of the Wild, and would be an easy fix to speed things up. This was such a complained about issue that when Nintendo was showing Breath of the Wild off for the first time at E3 2016, they made sure to point out that the messages only popped up once MULTIPLE times lol.

The text speed is also pretty slow in the original, could speed that up as well.

There are probably other big things that could be changed, but they would probably only happen in a from the ground up remake of the game, which this would not be (and neither are the 3DS versions of Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask.)

Things like major redesigns to the actual map to make it all (eventually) interconnected instead of only being able to get to different regions from the sky.

Perhaps the sky itself could have some new things added to it, nothing major like a dungeon but some new secrets or something.

I’m sure there are more little things but I can’t think of them right now, so that’s all for this award-worthy piece of writing (lol no),

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